Thursday, October 29, 2009

Italian Parking

The streets of Viterbo are a sight to behold with the crazy parking of cars that people get away with. So, today, I took my camera with me as I walked to and from the Mensa (dining hall, has nothing to do with how smart you are) to document just some of the parking violations I saw. To give you a measure of the enormity of crazy parking, all these pictures were taken in the 1/3 kilometer walk between school and the Mensa. Enjoy.

VIOLATION #1 (starting from least offensive to most egregious) Parking too far from the curb.

VIOLATION #2 On a downhill slope, tires not turned towards curb.

VIOLATION #3 Parking in a crosswalk

VIOLATION #4 Double Parking - Parallel Variant

VIOLATION #5 Double Parking - Perpendicular Variant

VIOLATION #6 Parking ON the sidewalk

Not technically a violation, but cars parked pointing in three directions.

VIOLATION #7 Parking diagonal in a parallel parking spot

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