Sunday, August 10, 2008

High Culture, Low Culture and A Chick Flick

My friend Carlos P. (a University of Montana alum and fellow lover of Missoula, MT) and I loved the show, Gilmore Girls. I have unilaterally made a pact that he and I would watch each and every movie Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham ever made and will make. Because of that, I watched a matinee of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. I am just going to come out and say it that I teared up at two points and the bigger declaration and that is I LOVE CHICK FLICKS, especially ones that are centered around high school.

The afternoon was spent at the Western Montana State Fair. Photos.....

This Democratic Party table was out of Obama stickers, perhaps a good sign?

Seriously this was a booth at the fair.

Our energy woes even hit at the fair.

I won once, but then got greedy and lost my winnings.

Soft on the cheek!

Time for the demolition derby. We sang the Star-Spangled Banner and stood to salute the flag and this tank.

Right after the derby, it was time for the Missoula Symphony Orchestra's summer concert in the park.

The Missoula Symphony Orchestra in Caras Park

It's a great country we live in that a immigrant from the former Yugoslavia can be the conductor of this Symphony in the mountains and select popular tunes from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Legends of the Fall, the William Tell Overture, Clair de Lune as well as a medley of jazz and the theme from a number of great Western Movies. A great day here in the mountains makes me think about moving to Missoula.....

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