Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Felt Like a Movie Character

Often times in movies there are the scenes of a married couple where the male is just poking along, minding his own business, doing his thing. Along comes his female partner and starts grilling him about something, asking his opinion and sharing with him some of the scenarios and schemes she's worked up in her head. All the while, the male is shell-shocked and has no idea what to say or do because anything he says or does is probably wrong.

It happened to me this morning. Granted, I'm not married but it happened as I was biking to work today. As I'm starting the final climb up the hill to school, I hear my name called out by my colleague who is out walking her dog. She's currently on a sabbatical but wanted to hear what I had heard about a certain situation at school. I had no idea what she was talking about and then she wanted me to start help address the situation even though I'm not even involved in the scenario. But now, I have no choice but to address the situation. This conversation led her to go all Dr. Phil on me in another issue in my life.

Fifteen minutes after seeing her, I parked my bike and was like a deer in the headlights. What just happened? All of a sudden in one conversation, I am now involved in a situation I don't want to really be involved in and also forced to think about the fact that I'm approaching a problem with the wrong construct.

I was just trying to get to work this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put, Ernie. Welcome to my world.