Saturday, September 01, 2007

Time to Take Action

August, 2007

Last month when I went to the doctor, they took my blood pressure (fine) and my weight. I saw the number and my eyes did a double take. I was pushing 200lb. WHAT?!?! I know that I had been bad about the 10AM donut, but this was unacceptable. Then when I got the picture taken of me by Catherine in early August, I had to admit to myself that I had to do something about the size of my backside. I couldn't use the "more cushion for the pushin'" line any longer!

So, I hauled myself into Weight Watchers and signed up and weighed in. I can claim that I lost 5lb between the doctors visit and my initial meeting. After seeing people that I love and know use the program successfully, I figured that I could too. After one initial meeting and a glance through the literature my issue isn't what I eat, it's portion control.

Luckily for me, the Weight Watchers point system is like a game to me. What can I eat to maximize my satisfaction while minimizing the number of points. It's all about vegetables! So, here I go. I'm now on Day 3 of this journey. Let's see how I do.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing your "new" and "improved" picture. Love, Sandra

Anonymous said...

Post on your progress. BTW, a few things to keep in mind:

1. I gained a pound or two on each of our farm trips... we ate a LOT.

2. Muscle weighs more than fat. You've been swimming a lot. It's not just how much you weigh, but what your body fat percentage is. Maybe you're just more muscular than you've been in a while?