Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Where my people are.....

Yesterday was election day (more specifically, special election day) here in California. On the ballot were initiatives ranging from parental notification of abortion to the creation of programs to help get medical drugs to those who are uninsured or unable to afford them. There were four initiatives that our Governor (we all know who he is) was pushing hard. These were things that he said he could deliver on during his election during the recall of former Governor Gray Davis back in 2003.

Prop. 74 - Teacher Tenure to increase from 2 years to 5 years probation
Prop. 75 - Requiring unions to get permission to spend dues for political purposes
Prop. 76 - State spending caps and changes to educational funding formulas
Prop. 77 - Redistricting of political boundaries moved to committee of retired judges

In looking at how I voted on these to the maps (Prop. 74 , Prop. 75, Prop. 76, Prop. 77) of the results, by county, as found on the California Secretary of State's website, I found that I am not exactly in line with the Bay Area, which resoundingly voted NO on each of these four. I should be living in...........Bakersfield (Kern County) or Fresno (Fresno County). It's becoming more and more the case that I am becoming a Republican in my old age.

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