Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rookie Mistake

Halloween on Cortland Avenue is a zoo if you announce that you are open for business. It's old hat to me, but since Scott has always lived in an apartment complex and now on a out of the way cul-de-sac, he has never had the joy of giving kids the treats they so crave. So this past Monday night, he was so excited to greet his first kids. He opened the door, the kids yelled trick-or-treat and he promptly stuck the bowl right out in front of them. One kid took one Tootsie Roll. The other girl stuck her hand in and took a large handful. In my estimation, she probably got just under 50% of the bowl. Upon closing the door, Scott was incredulous at the audacity of the little girl. But he did say that she was a bit taken aback by the opportunity she had been given and after a paralyzing moment, she did what she needed to do. Next time, Scott says he'll pick up candy from the bowl and drop them into the Halloween kids' bag. Good idea!

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