Monday, March 14, 2005

Two new things today

At what location in San Francisco would you be standing at the highest elevation above sea level? Twin Peaks? EENNNHHH! Pacific Heights? What???? The correct answer would be little appreciated and oft forgotten Mt. Davidson. If you stand in Oakland and look across the Bay to San Francisco, Twin Peaks would be the pushy attention grabbing bratty twins right in the center of the picture. The dignified Mt. Davidson stands off to the side and behind Twin Peaks. At the top of the peak stands a large cross, which I found out to be a memorial to the Armenians who perished in the 1915 genocide. If you are inclined, here is a comprehensive history of Mt. Davidson

Since the mountain is in the, residential streets come to about 100 feet below Mr. Davidson's 938 feet. I took at stroll to the east ridge lookout and it inspired me to learn how to use the panoramic setting on my digital camera. Here's an attempt at putting them together!

Two for one. Mt. Davidson and the panoramic camera shots

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