Friday, February 25, 2005

What happens when your Internet dies for 18 hours

1) Go down to Comcast, as the customer support person suggests on the phone, and trade in my old modem for a new one to see if that works. Nope

2) Go and get those two new tires that was suggested by your Subaru Dealership during the 75K checkup.

3) While waiting for the two and a half hours for the tires to be properly mounted, schmooze with the woman at the mattress store and in the process lay on lots of beds and determine which bed you want Mom and Dad to buy for you when they visit next week.

4) Clean the refrigerator

5) Sweep and mop your bedroom floor.

6) Do all the little things you've been meaning to do.

7) Oh, and finally get this done..

I finally finished the chair that I started last summer

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