Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving Observations 2004

1) There is poker overkill on television these days. As I am flipping through the channels, there are at LEAST three channels showing some version of Texas Hold 'em. I am a fan, but this is truly out of control.

2) The Washington State Governor's race is currently separated by a mere 42 votes. Republican Dino Rossi leads Democrat Christine Gregoire by 42 votes out of nearly 2.5 million votes cast. Unbelievable. Then a revelation happens in the Chen household. My mother voted absentee but didn't sign her ballot. She signed the outside envelope, but didn't sign the ballot itself, thereby negating her entire vote. Only in Chen-land.

3) My father (a foreign policy blue stater, economics purple stater and social red stater) has decided that the Hallmark channel speaks for him and his fellow red staters. He says movies on the Hallmark channel are what middle America wants to see and appreciates, certainly more than the show Desperate Housewives. Ok, Dad, whatever gets you through the night.

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