Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Members of The Compound

Many of you who haven't been to visit me here at the casa at 121 Cortland Avenue might have a hard time understanding who all these people are who live in and or around my building. This post is to help provide you some clarity by putting names with faces. However, you truly will need a scorecard to keep the family trees straight.

Brian S. and Meredith E. (she is due in late November) are my upstairs neighbors and with whom I own the building

Stefanie E. is Meredith's sister. Stefanie and her family used to live in my unit and now live in the house with which we share our backyard.

Brian S. is Stefanie's husband and father of the twin girls Amelia and Isabel

Amelia (Mimi) and Isabel (Izzy) S., the twin daughters of Brian and Stefanie

There is one missing picture in this compound gala of photos. I rent the downstairs of my unit to Gary S., who is Brian S's brother. 121-123 Cortland and 356 Winfield are truly a family affair.

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